6 Common Foods Proven to Lower Your Cholesterol

foods that lower cholesterol

There exist certain diets that include foods proven to lower your cholesterol. If your goal is to lower your cholesterol start focusing on your diet. This strategy may not work over night but give it time and you will see results.


Cholesterol is a waxy substance circulating through the blood that is produced by the liver. In the right balance, we need this substance for things like cell building, protection of nerves, and productions of vitamins and hormones. When we ingest cholesterol in excess it can cause great risk to our bodies.

There are two different types: LDL (bad) and HDL (good). LDL loves to bind to each other, so when we have too much LDL circulating it can cause blockages in our arteries and wreak havoc on our cardiovascular system. I’m talking heart attacks here people.

There are medications available that can help, I’d say majority of the patients I care for in the hospital are taking it. BUT through lifestyle and diet changes you can achieve similar results. That being said, ALWAYS consult with your doctor before stopping any of your medications.

foods proven to lower your cholesterol


common foods proven to lower your cholesterol

Avocados are rich in antioxidants and increased levels of antioxidants in our plasma decreases risk of cardiovascular disease(1). A randomized controlled feeding trial had participants eat 1 Hass avocado a day, and as a result there was a decrease in LDL levels after only 5 weeks(2). This diet also significantly increased the concentration of HDL, the good kind of cholesterol that carries antioxidants around the body.

Avocados are also a great source of Lutein, a carotenoid that we ingest from food mainly known for eye health. We now know that it also improves heart health, cancer prevention, and brain health(3). The anti-inflammatory properties that avocados possess make it an ally for all body systems.


In a literature review of 7 randomized trials, turmeric proved to significantly lower serum LDL levels(5). These same studies also showed obvious beneficial effects on triglyceride (fat) levels. There is still research needed regarding exact dosage and frequency of ingestion, but available data shows that turmeric is a great addition to your diet when trying to control your cholesterol levels.

And what’s great about adding turmeric to your diet is that it does not appear to cause any serious adverse effects to consumers(5).

foods high in soluble fiber

common foods proven to lower your cholesterol

Since we can not fully digest fiber, it adds bulk to the diet. The gel-like substance created when fiber mixes with water surrounds and absorbs cholesterol. This helps with the excretion of cholesterol from the body rather than being absorbed by the liver(6). Long term studies (6mos-1yr) have showed that fiber has the power to significantly lower total cholesterol and LDL levels, thus decreasing the risk for cardiovascular disease(6).

For those of you already on cholesterol lowering medications like statins, I’ve got good news,. Ingestion of soluble fiber was able to double the effectiveness of the medication(6). Good sources of soluble fiber are:

  • carrots
  • broccoli
  • onion
  • artichokes
  • bananas
  • berries
  • apples
  • pears
  • legumes
  • oats
  • barley

plants – phytosterols

common foods proven to lower your cholesterol

I’m talking about fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nuts. The compounds found in plants (phytosterols) look almost identical to cholesterol, which causes a type of competition for absorption in the digestive system. When the body favors the phytosterol, it leaves more unused cholesterol to be excreted as waste instead of being absorbed by the body(4).

red-colored fruits and veggies – lycopene

Lycopene’s ability to inhibit cholesterol production occurs very similarly to the mechanism of statins (cholesterol-lowering medications) (7). They are both able to regulate the production of certain enzymes and proteins that increase circulating LDL levels(8). This makes foods like watermelon, tomatoes, guava and grapefruits a great dietary addition for those who can’t tolerate statins due to side effects.

Lycopene-containing foods like tomatoes are powerhouses with anti-oxidative, anti-inflammatory, cardio-protective, and anti-platelet (anti-clotting) effects in addition to cholesterol lowering abilities.


Many high quality studies now exist proving that ingestion of nuts, specifically almonds, can lower LDL levels significantly. Randomized controlled trials have shown drops in cholesterol of 5-8mg/dL after only a few weeks(9). The nutrition profile for a serving of almonds is impressive, making this little nut a safe way to substantially lower your cholesterol.

Almonds also maintain HDL levels, lower triglycerides and decrease waist circumference. So see if you can replace some of your sugary, highly processed snacks with a serving of almonds instead – your heart will thank you.

see my other post about how food can decrease inflammation —–>