Minimalism is more than just going through your closet once in awhile. It also doesn’t require you to own less than 100 things or to get rid of your bed. Don’t let the extremes of minimalism make you think you can’t create your own version of the concept.
a low-consumption way of life
I believe that understanding the reason why you are doing something helps propel your commitment and adherence to it. For this reason, I have compiled a list of reasons why people are making the switch to minimalism. Relating to these will help you justify parting ways with possessions you’ve held on to for years or even decades.
minimalism helps purge emotional baggage we accumulate throughout our lives
This minimalistic lifestyle is more than a trend. For some, the act of purging material items triggers the release of emotional baggage as well. Notice if you’re holding on to stuff just because of the emotional message attached to it. Maybe it’s something from your childhood or from a relationship you’ve made along the way that no longer positively serves you.
A rule of thumb should be, if it elicits a negative emotional response then get rid of it. You don’t have to keep stuff just because “you should”. Sometimes finding closure from a situation starts with eliminating the things that makes you think about it.
I’m not encouraging you to go throw out your old family albums but you most likely have stuff that is just no longer necessary. I think I still have every prom dress I wore…why??.
minimalism provides ease of traveling or moving
You don’t realize how much stuff you have until you have to pack it all up and move. If you don’t plan to stay is one place for too long then minimalism just makes sense. Many people are renting their residence and short term leases create the opportunity to move somewhere else if you don’t like where you’re at. Having less stuff makes that move less of a burdensome, anxiety inducing situation.
Frequent travelers also find compatibility with minimalism. Having to condense a chunk of your belongings into luggage proves the benefits of living light. There’s no point in having shelves of extra clothes and shoes if you’re often traveling with the bare necessities.
another way to decrease your environmental impact
People are moving to a minimalistic lifestyle in the name of Mother Earth. By consuming less stuff you are decreasing your carbon footprint. Consumerism has gotten out of control and the strain on our planet has become observable.
Before you make purchases fully assess whether you need it. What is the reason behind the purchase and is it good enough to justify it. Consider whether it can be found locally or made from something that you already own and can repurpose.
I often buy stuff that comes in glass jars: yogurt, candles, jam…etc. Yet when I needed something to store my loose leaf tea, I bought jars online. Looking back I find it silly and wished I repurposed some items I already owned rather than spend the money and resources to buy new.
voluntary simplicity
Through voluntary simplicity people are freeing up their funds and time for more meaningful activities. By not spending money on consuming materialistic goods, focus can be shifted to experience-based fulfillment instead.
Decluttering is decreasing the amount of possessions you have like when you go through your closet or or garage. Voluntary simplicity is when you make a conscious commitment to consume less. Life’s focus becomes more about meaningful interactions, hobbies, and self introspection.
modern aesthetics
It seems as though every generation has a unique style. From animal print to blow up furniture we’ve seen it all. Right now modern design trends are displaying a simplistic and minimalistic style free from unnecessary clutter or chachkis.
I do love a bit of personality to a place so don’t make your space too plane. Be specific and intentional about the memorabilia you choose to display. Displaying every trinket you’ve ever acquired will create suffocation in your space.
leave space for air and light
Through minimalism you will find contentment and improved satisfaction with life. This is achieved by experiencing a sense of fulfillment from living with less. It’s rather ironic actually.
This concept proves that it is not through “things” that we find happiness. Once you decide what is truly important in life you will start to see the transition of focus move towards experiences and relationships.
The best kinds of trends are those the promote improved health and wellness. If the social influence right now is to achieve personal fulfillment through experiences and relationships rather than material things than I am for it.
Check out my other post to learn other positive habits that can elevate your mind and soul