Fiber is an Easy Solution to All Your Problems

This post is all about fiber. How it can help not only your gut but also your heart, mental health and immune system. Fiber is important to your health but most people do not meet their daily requirements. In fact most Americans consume only half the levels of recommended fiber intake.

recommended fiber intake is 25-38 grams a day

Increase the amount of fiber into your diet SLOWLY. If you finish reading this post and then go eat 2 bowls of brown rice you may send yourself into the land of constipation – ouch.

fiber decreases inflammation

fiber is important for your health

It is well known that inflammation has a direct relation to cancer progression(1). When you increase your fiber intake you are preventing or improving ailments that cause inflammation in your body; high cholesterol, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, gastrointestinal issues, obesity, and more(3). C-reactive protein and cytokines that are released during inflammation can cause increased tissue damage in whatever part of the body it’s in(4). That means that if you have inflammation in your cardiovascular system as a result of high blood pressure, it could be causing damage to the tissue in your heart!

Click here to learn how yoga can decrease inflammation

Click here to learn how certain foods can decrease inflammation

fiber is important for gut mobility

The correct amount of fiber in your diet can result in a “regular” bowel pattern. This means that if you experience constipation or diarrhea fiber might be the missing link.

soluble fiber


Soluble fiber like fruits, oats, whole grains, and cooked vegetables absorb the excess water and create more formed stool, combatting diarrhea(5). The mix of soluble fiber with water creates a gel-like substance that also lubricates the GI tract which helps stool slide through during times of constipation(6).

Insoluble fiber like skins of vegetables, brown rice, popcorn and leafy greens can also help move things along when constipated. Insoluble fiber means that it does not dissolve in water, creating “roughage” that helps drag stool through the GI tract(6).

helps immune system and detoxifies liver

The bacteria that is present in our intestines interacts with certain types of fiber and causes a fermentation process. The reaction creates additional bacteria to the gut that act as a pre-biotic that helps with future nutrient absorption and the strength of the immune system(7).

The liver breaks down many excess hormones, medications, and synthetic food ingredients. The end result is excreted as a liquid called bile that ends up mixing in with the food we eat in our intestines. Fiber is important for the elimination of this mixture, removing it as waste product(7). These lingering waste products have a negative effect on the body.

fiber promotes weight loss

Fiber rich foods tend to lengthen the time in which you feel “full”. Due to this feeling results you take in less calories, leading to weight loss(2). We typically burn through highly processed, sugary foods very quickly which is why you are hungry sooner. This causes you to consume more calories throughout the day.

feel full longer


Oatmeal, avocados, quinoa and vegetables are a few examples of types of fiber that makes you feel full for longer. This is because these foods take longer to break down.

fiber is important for hearth health

fiber is important for your health

This ones due to the soluble fiber found in beans and oats. Soluble fiber is important in the elimination of bad cholesterol (LDL) that cause blockages in our cardiovascular system(8).

A build up on cholesterol causes obstructions that can put you at risk for cardiac injury. I’m talking heart attacks. Fiber intake also helps lower blood pressure and even potentially lose weight which are both great effects for the heart(9).

fiber decreases depression

High fiber foods are plentiful in vitamins and minerals including vitamin B12, B6, folate and zinc(3). All of these enhance energy levels and overall health which makes you feel better mentally and physically.

Studies have shown that increased intake of fiber results in decreased odds of depression(4). In women, studies have shown a 40% decrease in their odds of depression for those with high fiber consumption(5).

fiber intake decreases cancer risk

Fiber helps increase bulk to stool and move it along faster in the colon. The fiber molecules grab onto the carcinogens to promote a speedier excretion. This allows less time for them to come in contact with the lining of the colon(1). Less contact time means less opportunity for cell damage and inflammation.

The chemical reaction that occurs in the GI tract in the presence of fiber decreases the pH in the colon which prevents the production of carcinogenic acids(1). Fiber has also been known to eliminate nitrites in the gut which are precursors to compounds responsible for GI cancer.

fiber decreases risk of breast cancer

Breast cancer is commonly caused by too much circulating estrogen. The fiber grabs onto the excess estrogen and eliminates it from the body, deceasing the chances that it will develop into breast cancer(1).

Fiber’s ability to cause weight loss also results in a decreased risk of breast cancer. Adipocytes, or fat cells, release estrogen molecules so if you decrease the amount of fat cells in the body you will decrease the amount of estrogen.

One response to “Fiber is an Easy Solution to All Your Problems”

  1. […] Check out my other post that includes a bunch of other ways that fiber can change your life…! […]